March 26, 2015

power of less

How to Start:
Simplicity Parenting
by, Kim John Payne, M. Ed., with Lisa M. Ross

Kids Toys: 
1. Reduce by one-half. 
2. And then by one-half again. 
3. Donate.
note: Favorite, most-loved toys always stay. 
note: this is done without bébé.
4. Put keepers into moveable cute baskets and bins.
5. A few books out and accessible - the rest tucked away.
6. Only age-appropriate items allowed around.
Clothing too!

6. Do it TODAY during nap.
or TONIGHT after bed.

March 21, 2015

Aries as a mother

Mama Aries

The Fourth House, Motherhood House, ruler for Aries is Cancer:

Like a crab tighlty clutching all that it cherishes, you're a tad possessive of your wee ones. Children bring out the mother hen in independent Aires, much to your surprise. If you've always been a tough chick, prepare to meet your sentimental side. 

Aries mama is also known as:
'Warrior' Mama 
'Diva' Mama

Such as:
Victoria Beckham
Mariah Carey
Kourtney Kardashian
Sarah Jessica Parker

Momstorology by, Ophira and Tali Edut

March 19, 2015

sovereign state

The path of personal sovereignty: 
reclaiming control over one’s entire being on every level, 
body, mind and spirit.