September 28, 2018

flower child

Daisy: fresh, energetic, day's eye (the sun), darling.
Perennial; early Summer - early Autumn.

Aster, Marigold, Lily, Violet, Lavender, Sunflower, Bluebell, Daisy, Rose, Zinnia, Magnolia, Azalea, Chrysanthemum, Daphne, Jasmine, Ivy, Marguerite, Wisteria, Camellia ...

Names, decoration, motivation, muse, whim, notion, vision, introspection --- Look to Goddess Mother Nature's creations and you shall find it. When fancying inspiration there is no thing better suited than this natural phenomena. Flowers. Pure perfection. Heaven.

Violet, Aster, Marigold

(The baby has been channeling Daisy lately with her golden face and white hair; not to mention she often has bugs - even bees! - landing on her tresses, mistaking her for flora !!)

September 26, 2018

the face that launched a 1000 ships

Helen* ~ Bright, shining light.

Names are layered with meaning...
Having grown up with a very particular first 'title' - Astrid - I am ultra sensitive to names and considered designating them to my children an overwhelming task that I would ponder (obsess over) long after the birth certificate was ordered. I found it impossible not to daydream about other variances and still dwell on their first few days of life aiming to uncover what led me to my (our) ultimate decision. I still struggle with accepting their assignments. I am not one to choose the obvious option, either, and I wonder why I didn't go with more crystal clear family choices or blatant 'signs' while bébé was in belly. I fantasize about the monikers fictitous future children would/could have. It can be a preoccupation. My better half is not amused, and reminds me:
There is no right decision, there is no wrong decision, there is only a decision. 

*My grandmother's name was Helen, which served as the inspiration for our second daughter's name.

September 14, 2018

sacred lotus

Purity, beauty, majesty, grace, fertility, wealth, richness, knowledge, serenity.
Sacred Lotus Flower.

September 12, 2018


The days are long, but the years are short. 

Lavish in the mundane, perpetual tasks of motherhood by adding your flair. This daily grind is, after all what you likely dreamed of and manifested when hoping and praying for offspring. Execute duties and chores with finesse and distinction!

September 10, 2018

off you go

Waldorf, Montessori, Country Day,  Public Education ... 

I visit first-hand the schools within a small radius, preferably walking or biking distance, and make a gut-based, heart-led decision. I try my best to commit and reconsider only at proper intervals (moving into lower, middle, upper). I trust my decision, but not dogmatically. 

Waldorf, Montessori & Reggio are the three progressive approaches to early childhood education, which appear to be growing in influence around the world. 
All three approaches represent an explicit idealism and turn away from war and violence towards peace and reconstruction. 
They are built on coherent visions of how to improve human society by helping children realize their full potential as intelligent, creative whole persons.

Instead of 'teaching' our children 'how the world is' and how to 'succeed' in that world, let's get out of their way and let them shape a new world. 

September 8, 2018

autumn may call

The Autumn Solstice will be Saturday September 22. It is still Summer. Here in Colorado, though, it has the smoky vibes and chilly nights representative of a true Indian Summer (an Autumn event). 

Rosh Hashanah will begin tomorrow. There are many beginnings, delightful gatherings, endless activities this time of year. ENJOY it all !! But take it easy. Balance party-time with lots of UNSTRUCTURED time. Do NOT fill the spaces. Widen those margins, leave leeway!!

Gently ease into an earlier bedtime and hence rising time as Summer wanes.
Dress festively first thing in the morning for smoother transitions throughout the day.

September 4, 2018

starry slumber

It is night time. The folk of the forest are all asleep, the princess is asleep as well. But one little star keeps watch all night. 

-Sibylle von Olfers

Hello September! Time of transition. Often hectic. Get lots of rest and S L O W down. 

September 3, 2018

enter into its mystery

Nighttime Pilgrims

Celebrating Bedtime

Nighttime brings with it a gift to know the world from a different perspective. Darkness slows us down, gives us boundaries for our work and play, touches us with the unknown.

Bedtime requires the closing of our eyes and ears and rewards the surrendering of our senses by pouring over us the limitless possibilities of our dreams. Sleep endows us with senses for another way of knowing. In sleep, we may find solutions to problems that startle us in or waking. We may touch and speak with loved ones who have died or who journey far away from us. In sleep we may commune with the spirit-world. We may uncover emotional and relational issues that need our attention. Our dreaming is a bridge that takes us to the center of spiritual illumination.

Seven Times the Sun
-Shea Darian