February 24, 2025

Good night πŸŒ™


Anjaneyasana - Low Lunge with back bend - Crescent Moon πŸŒ™ 
Chandra Namaskar - Moon Salutation 

Good night rainbow sherbet electrolytes, good night bubblegum mouthwash, good night pink sonicaire toothbrush, good night moon... Hello husband ❤️‍πŸ”₯. Love melts the blues.

February 23, 2025

Rose-Colored Goggles 🌹

Utkata Konasana - Goddess Pose
Moon Salute - Chandra Namaskar

Day off of skiing to snow hike with a girlfriend and gal doggies. Feminine energy, yin, moon. 

& photos from the rest of the Untamed Powder Time in the beautiful Rocky Mountains…

Prezzie week is the best week πŸ’‹


mini thingies


Bobby pins all lined up. 🧘‍♀️ πŸ§‘πŸ’›πŸ€

Five - my four babies plus the AuPair - sick kids at home will fray the nerves. In these strenuous circumstances, tiny tasks placate the senses and alleviate the pressure. This is a fine time to classify the medicine cabinet, sort out the supplement stash, clip some finger and toe nails or arrange your bobby pins.

To secure yoga braids - a card for home, another to go.

Honor the Caregiver with the intention on returning to one’s self with a small gesture. This projects an imprint onto the future. All thanks to those hair clips at the ready - πŸ˜‰πŸ©πŸŽ€ - I attended an invigorating 5:45am yoga sweat session and feel able to tackle this days’ assignment. 

February 13, 2025

Ring around the Rainbow


Utthita Padmasana - Elevated Lotus Pose πŸͺ· 
or Tolasana / Tulasana - Scale (balance, measuring) Pose ⚖️
Lunar Halo, Moon Dog - Rainbow ring around the moon
Diamond Dust - Ice Mist - weather phenomena ripe for rainbows and halos πŸ’

Diamond dust rainbow ring girl - Sit in the serenity of Padmasana, then press into Mother Earth, and levitate up towards Father Sky. 

February 11, 2025


Hindolasana - Cradle Pose
Hindola - Swinging Cradle, Hammock
Bough - main branch of a tree. “Apple boughs laden with blossom” 🌸



Surya Yantrasana - Sundial - Compass
Surya - Sun, Yantra - Instrument 
Gnomon - the arm, blade of the sundial that casts the shadow.


February 9, 2025



SHOW UP Show Pony!!!

If you’re suffering from the Winter Blues it’s likely those all about you are too!!  Bring on the color, the texture and the prezzies and MAKE THE FUN at the parties. In all the ways Winter encompasses GIVING. 

🏈 halftime


Winter is only half way over. 

February 6, 2025



Skandasana - Pose of the War God - Retreating Warrior 
 Side Lunge - One Legged Squat
Surfer’s Lunge

Heel up or heel down? I’m always wondering… you know what? Who cares?! Certainly not Skanda of War and Victory, son of Shiva the Cosmic Dancer, Lord of Yogis, The Constructive Destroyer!!!
Lunge. SURF. & Chandra Namaskar - Salute the Moon. πŸŒ™ 

Urdhva Paulina


Urdhva Mukha Svanasana - Upward Facing Dog Pose 🐩 
πŸ’For the love of my Bernedoodle, Gala and this heart opener.

My habitual yoga classes have recurrently barely been pausing in URDHVA and head straightaway to ADHO Mukha Svanasana where we loiter and embellish. In which case I have been borrowing from Peter to pay Paul — staying put in Urdhva Mukha Svanasana for extra breaths as I feel the hour - and life -  feels too rife with all the downward facing.


February 3, 2025

Arms Up Star of Vigor


Utthita Tadasana - Expanded Mountain Pose

The second law of thermodynamics states that the universe naturally tends towards increasing disorder and dispersal of energy throughout available space. 

Therefore, it is WORK to simply NOT slide backwards. & We must Continuously REFINE our Rhythm and Routine to make any progress. Analyze your days and identify specific areas of inadequacy — approach one pinpointed flaw individually with a fresh categorical strategy. Yes, it takes INCESSANT exertion to mobilize towards increasing order and organized energy. Get out that fine-tooth comb; Administer your days in great detail with extreme care. 

January 31, 2025

The end of the beginning

Ustrasana - Camel Pose. Fear. Elation. A life lived fully. 

At forty times around the sun, I have begun to live each day working my way backwards from the Final Destination. Who do I want to be before it’s time to return to Dust? I am able to visualize my best self in old age and aim in that stratospheric direction. It’s invigorating, exhilarating, and petrifying — & that’s when your whole world opens up.