October 2, 2017

mmmmm bop !!

Some bébés just LOVE to put everything in their mouths, watch INTENTLY as others eat, and REEEEACH for any visible morsel of food; our second born is one of those babies - so much so we have given her a few samples before her official six months. But be aware, babies have an open gut until about six-months and allergies are a possibility.

OUR* first foods :
~ egg yolk, runny from a 4-minute egg with a pinch of sea salt
~ stewed peaches, because they were in season
~ lemon
~ butter, grass-fed, sucked off corn-on-the-cob
~ mango, dried mango is an amazing chew toy !!!

Next on the menu :
~ avocado
~ plum apple butter
~ pickles, lacto-fermented , in a strainer pouch

Then perhaps :
~ banana
~ squash, peas, sweet potato or other veggie ... one at a time
~ coconut oil, added into one of the above
~ pureed meat
~ soup stock or bone broth, to thin any of the above
~ cod liver oil and/or desiccated liver, although I myself take the cod liver oil and nurse, so perhaps this is redundant. 

All ORGANIC, grass-fed, free range, and local if possible. 
We hold off on all grains for as long as we can. 

*This is just what we happened to do this time of year with this baby taking into account what we read, what our parents did, and advice from our pediatrician and midwife. From there we use our INSTINCTS and INSPIRATION.

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