October 20, 2023

Yes - you’ll want the cashmere !


Silly little travel notes.

Similar to my affinity for purging and organizing, packing is a passion. I scribble little notes on how I did: what worked, what didn’t; refine, refine, refine. Sometimes I even refer to these notes ;) EG: “Yes - you DO need wool socks and warm hats for Telluride in September! & Cashmere leggings for outdoor morning yoga.”  

Shower Cap Smoothie Party!! must have : SHARPIE 💘!!

Here are the Notes from 4-days, 3-nights in San Diego, California :

Originally written in a small Ooly notebook with ink -

- SHARPIE - to differentiate kids’ identical acquisitions such as airport gum and stuffies, hotel notepads, pens, shower caps etc. Label family members’ plastic water cups/bottles to reuse, and, of course, hotel room keys!! Label anything and everything to cut down on the screaming. And Mommy doesn’t want to share because yes, her objects are the ones in their proper place. All this without wasting (Mabel’s)Labels. Use those beforehand for all that you pack.

- TOTES - compressible, cute, matching. For day tips, shopping outings, kids’ overnights. Also, makes you look like more of  a local (to be shopping bag free). Hide smaller fancier purse inside for when that’s smart.

- SHAWL - a big cozy wool shawl is a sweater and a BLANKIE for snuggling the world over without nary a raised brow. Warmth for the whole family, but especially for mommy. Bring a more compact wool/silk scarf in addendum. Seems redundant? Not so - very versatile, takes little space, one-size-fits-all.

I also stalk the WEATHER for weeks before my voyage. I try to learn the climate by adding the location to my phone’s weather list. Analyzing the timed arc of lows to highs and patterns of precipitation. EG: It will be nippy and socked-in at café on the Pacific cliffs, room temp and sunny for the cove visit with the seals, then brisk once again at the shores après surf snack. 

Into the home elevator and going down …😉

I am just as thorough with trips for my husband and/or children that I’m not embarking upon because I’m still the one packing. You teach your children how to pack properly by SHOWING them, not by having them do it themselves and hoping for the best. IT’S A SUPERPOWER TO BE WELL PREPARED! And it is a life-long learning process that requires actual real-life experience. It is a loving gesture to help your family in this way. 

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