June 6, 2011

Padmasana & Jen Aniston

Padmasana ~ Lotus

Padma : Lotus

Remember this is a two-sided pose! (Practice with each leg on top.)

Padmasana can be considered the end-all-be-all of yoga. We practice Hatha yoga, the physical poses, in order to be able to sit in stillness comfortably for long periods of time. Sitting in Padmasana, or a version thereof, daily will undoubtedly help you to "Figure out your service on this planet. Figure out how that service nourishes the earth and go and do that." –– Elena Brower. Of course, sitting in any comfortable position will do. 

Jennifer Aniston received the Decade of Hotness award at the Spike TV's 2011 Guys Choice Awards on Saturday night. Jen thanked her yoga instructor Mary Ingber and vowed to "keep downward-dogging until the fat lady sings" during her acceptance speech.

If this isn't motivation enough for me to get back on my mat (I have totally been laxing, and "my wrist hurts!") I don't know what is. 

1 comment:

shikha said...

i really like your blog.
Yoga retreat