February 24, 2025

Good night πŸŒ™


Anjaneyasana - Low Lunge with back bend - Crescent Moon πŸŒ™ 
Chandra Namaskar - Moon Salutation 

Good night rainbow sherbet electrolytes, good night bubblegum mouthwash, good night pink sonicaire toothbrush, good night moon... Hello husband ❤️‍πŸ”₯. Love melts the blues.

February 23, 2025

Rose-Colored Goggles 🌹

Utkata Konasana - Goddess Pose
Moon Salute - Chandra Namaskar

Day off of skiing to snow hike with a girlfriend and gal doggies. Feminine energy, yin, moon. 

& photos from the rest of the Untamed Powder Time in the beautiful Rocky Mountains…

Prezzie week is the best week πŸ’‹


mini thingies


Bobby pins all lined up. 🧘‍♀️ πŸ§‘πŸ’›πŸ€

Five - my four babies plus the AuPair - sick kids at home will fray the nerves. In these strenuous circumstances, tiny tasks placate the senses and alleviate the pressure. This is a fine time to classify the medicine cabinet, sort out the supplement stash, clip some finger and toe nails or arrange your bobby pins.

To secure yoga braids - a card for home, another to go.

Honor the Caregiver with the intention on returning to one’s self with a small gesture. This projects an imprint onto the future. All thanks to those hair clips at the ready - πŸ˜‰πŸ©πŸŽ€ - I attended an invigorating 5:45am yoga sweat session and feel able to tackle this days’ assignment. 

February 13, 2025

Ring around the Rainbow


Utthita Padmasana - Elevated Lotus Pose πŸͺ· 
or Tolasana / Tulasana - Scale (balance, measuring) Pose ⚖️
Lunar Halo, Moon Dog - Rainbow ring around the moon
Diamond Dust - Ice Mist - weather phenomena ripe for rainbows and halos πŸ’

Diamond dust rainbow ring girl - Sit in the serenity of Padmasana, then press into Mother Earth, and levitate up towards Father Sky. 

February 11, 2025


Hindolasana - Cradle Pose
Hindola - Swinging Cradle, Hammock
Bough - main branch of a tree. “Apple boughs laden with blossom” 🌸



Surya Yantrasana - Sundial - Compass
Surya - Sun, Yantra - Instrument 
Gnomon - the arm, blade of the sundial that casts the shadow.


February 9, 2025



SHOW UP Show Pony!!!

If you’re suffering from the Winter Blues it’s likely those all about you are too!!  Bring on the color, the texture and the prezzies and MAKE THE FUN at the parties. In all the ways Winter encompasses GIVING. 

🏈 halftime


Winter is only half way over. 

February 6, 2025



Skandasana - Pose of the War God - Retreating Warrior 
 Side Lunge - One Legged Squat
Surfer’s Lunge

Heel up or heel down? I’m always wondering… you know what? Who cares?! Certainly not Skanda of War and Victory, son of Shiva the Cosmic Dancer, Lord of Yogis, The Constructive Destroyer!!!
Lunge. SURF. & Chandra Namaskar - Salute the Moon. πŸŒ™ 

Urdhva Paulina


Urdhva Mukha Svanasana - Upward Facing Dog Pose 🐩 
πŸ’For the love of my Bernedoodle, Gala and this heart opener.

My habitual yoga classes have recurrently barely been pausing in URDHVA and head straightaway to ADHO Mukha Svanasana where we loiter and embellish. In which case I have been borrowing from Peter to pay Paul — staying put in Urdhva Mukha Svanasana for extra breaths as I feel the hour - and life -  feels too rife with all the downward facing.


February 3, 2025

Arms Up Star of Vigor


Utthita Tadasana - Expanded Mountain Pose

The second law of thermodynamics states that the universe naturally tends towards increasing disorder and dispersal of energy throughout available space. 

Therefore, it is WORK to simply NOT slide backwards. & We must Continuously REFINE our Rhythm and Routine to make any progress. Analyze your days and identify specific areas of inadequacy — approach one pinpointed flaw individually with a fresh categorical strategy. Yes, it takes INCESSANT exertion to mobilize towards increasing order and organized energy. Get out that fine-tooth comb; Administer your days in great detail with extreme care. 

January 31, 2025

The end of the beginning

Ustrasana - Camel Pose. Fear. Elation. A life lived fully. 

At forty times around the sun, I have begun to live each day working my way backwards from the Final Destination. Who do I want to be before it’s time to return to Dust? I am able to visualize my best self in old age and aim in that stratospheric direction. It’s invigorating, exhilarating, and petrifying — & that’s when your whole world opens up. 

January 28, 2025

Angel as Messenger

Let your angels elucidate whilst you repose.

Formulate your unresolved affair into a Question. Query the Cosmos as you fall asleep or surrender to Savasana. Encounter the response as you arouse. 

January 25, 2025

Space Cadet

Adrift in the ether … πŸͺ ✨ 


January 24, 2025

Flip the Script


Kakasana - Crow Pose.
It’s basically Happy Baby inverted, right?

Think of the FLIP SIDE and turn your day (life!) around. It’s a lighthearted, topsy-turntable way to get unstuck. Also a rad mechanism to make new shapes in your practice - ROLL OVER πŸ™ƒ

Happy Baby Steps

Ananda Balasana - surely the most cheerful pose to say πŸ’›

There truly is enormous power in putting one teensy foot in front of the other in (even just pretty much) the right direction. 🎯 


Above - SunBum, Mineral Fusion, Pacifica, Physician’s Formula, Dr Haushka, Waleda, A La Maison, HoneyPot, ORL… fond of them from old fashioned trial and error. Personal, empirical data that no amount of “(online) research” could ever compete with. πŸ€“

Learning is EXPERIENTIAL. All of the second-hand information in the world can never top trying something for yourself. 🎩 Just as all the 1000’s of product reviews cannot substitute for physically testing said commodity 1st-hand. πŸ’‹

January 23, 2025


For the LπŸ’œVE of PROPS. Blocks, Bolsters, Straps, Towels, Blankets, Eye Pillows, a Chair, the Wall…

SUPPORT. Seek it out. ACCEPT it. It may seemingly manifest in an unforeseen form, but it’s exactly as you asked it. So again, please RECEIVE the RELIEF. 🌬️

January 22, 2025

🀡‍♀️ Look Cute - Have Fun 😻

Shopping should be FUN. In France they would say it should be a ‘pleasure’. As a necessity of most modern lives, we may as well know our Shopping Style to make it gratifying, if not a thrill ;)

  • In Person or Online
  • Morning or Evening
  • Dolled-up or Incognito 
  • Full Price or Bargain
  • Specific or Open-ended
  • Marathons or Sprints
  • Prepped or Impromptu
  • Focused or Multi-task
  • Alone or Accompanied 

Personal Profile: Anytime I Order I feel I could have fared better In-Person, I hit the shops upon Opening, I Preen enough to be friendly and decisive, I dwell if it’s not a Steal,  I’m capriciously receptive to Unplanned Purchases, I Pack numerous drinks and snacks, I must have my own Bags and a vacant car, phone calls are Silenced, I shop Alone or with my mother ❤️…

January 21, 2025


The untapped potential of not holding your breath today 🎁

Forgot to breathe this season, mom? Remember that glorious pre-spawn luxury of not panicking always? That’s why we have YOGA. RE-WIELD your god given lifeforce, even if it’s for scarcely one hour, in studio, assisted. 


Parivrtta Parsvakonasana - Revolved Side Angle 
Back leg straight, back heel grounded, as in Warrior I.

Spiral so hard your head pops off !! Grounding ones back foot is so surprisingly intense it may just blow your mind. πŸ’–☠️πŸ’™ You’re Welcome. πŸ‘»

Vivid PJs for bewilderingly energetic mornings and evenings. ⭐️πŸŒΈπŸŒ™

January 20, 2025

Wash, Rinse, and Repeat.

Ardha Matsyendrasana - Half Lord of the Fishes Pose
Twist to release stagnation.

Wash, rinse, and repeat — At what point does its efficacy wane and your nobbut using too much product?  Constipated with sticky mucky old ideas…

January 15, 2025


Parivrtta Ardha Chandra Chapasana - Revolved Half Moon Bow Pose or Revolved Sugarcane

See legs πŸͺ’
Revolve • move in a circle on a central axis. 
Requires both sun 🌝 and moon 🌚 energy 

If you commit your focus to THE ONE thing (and follow it with passion), most else must fall by the wayside. The sacrifice is monumental and, hence, why few walk this path. My family duties pull me back to the center HUB like a magnet, to which I have given sanction. My ONE thing has been my brood for a decade now, but this girl’s wheels are turning with all of the beauty she has to offer outside the nucleus. Rounding out of this era; rotating focus.

Greetings NINE year - Completion and Closure. πŸ’
2025 : 2+2+5=9 

January 14, 2025

Adho Mukha


Adho Mukha Vrksasana - Downward Facing Tree. 
Not-so-sweet handstand you vex me, lately. 
…Even in Favorite-Heather-Red stretchies❤️

Is it that my life is already YANG enough? Is it lack of shoulder strength or too tight a back body? Perhaps lax complacency? Or heavenly contentment? An unostentatious desire to YIN? A provocative aversion to only the antagonizing Adho Mukha variety of Vrksasana has taken residence. 

January 13, 2025



Garudasana- Eagle Pose - solicitous to concentration and respiratory strength. 
Bolstering my lungs after weeks of chest weakness this winter. 

Compression • the reduction in volume (causing an increase in pressure) of the fuel mixture in an internal combustion engine before ignition. Oxford Language Dictionary

Compression poses prepare us for TAKE-OFF πŸš€ 

The emphasis on compression in HOT YOGA feels like a healing salve that keeps me returning for more. I have no passionate opinion on a heated practice (105 F plus humidity), it just so happens to fit into my timetable. The perk is that enduring the sauna space alone feels like an accomplishment.

My daughter says “at least it’s not cold yoga.” πŸ₯ΆπŸ™ƒ

January 12, 2025

Rosy Urdhva Mukha Svanasana

Urdhva Mukha Svanasana - Combat depression and apathy. Improve posture. Also true for the color Pink☺️

Pink is a neutral, right? Besides all pink shades (and now even reds,) MY ordinary dailies include blue from ice to navy, army greens, and metallics. One look at my closet and it is obvious what I love. Are YOUR favorites represented? Does your wardrobe MIRROR back to you your tastes? (Are you even acquainted with what you fancy? Have you granted your preferences permission to evolve?) This is cohesion. Yoga - to yolk.

Rose Quartz

Frangible Perch - LFB for EPG


  Eka Pada Galavasana- One Legged Flying Elphaba (Pigeon)

Why in the universe would one attempt this wicked pose? To forsake that fear of falling on our face. To unhook ourselves from the ego’s clasp.

January 11, 2025

PRISMATIC Supta Virasana

Supta Virasana. Healing LEG VEINS from carrying the bΓ©bΓ©s (number four especially!) in the belly. Therapeutic for menstruation and menopause, as well.
Lounging in skintight neon yellow with loose cashmere stars.

At certain intervals we put ourselves into a shape and the ✨STARS ALIGN✨. My marbled, panging legs thank me intensely as I Supta my Virasana. ⚡️

Supta Virasana lets your Manipura - solar plexus - Chakra SHINE. 🌟



Naturally handsome neutral baskets and jute, canvas or felt sacks. 

Nothing to wear? Launder (nearly) daily. Cast away allegiance to ‘laundry day’ and throw in a load forthright.

January 10, 2025

🐾🐾🐢 Mucky Puppies 🐢 🐾🐾

Retro rainbows, silver hoops, and agate crystals.

πŸͺΆAnimal EditionπŸͺΆ

Creature Style your Turns of Phrases for a Supernatural Offspring Following:

  • Time to go ! - “Hop it to the Kangaroo.” “Quick like a Bunny.” πŸ¦˜πŸ‡πŸ¦˜πŸ‡πŸ¦˜πŸ‡πŸ¦˜πŸ‡
  • Wash your hands !  - “Mucky Puppies” - Slippy Fishies, Frozen Penguin etc. - “to the sink.” 🐾
  • Settle down ! - “Curl into the cave baby Bear.” (Lap) “Where’s your den little Fox?” (Bed) πŸͺΊ
  • Speak clearly ! - “Sing to me again, sweet Goldfinch?” πŸ•Š️
  • Dress warmly ! - “ABRACADABRA transform these children into their favorite fuzzy Animal.” (Layers on) “What’s your name, little Critter?”🧣🧀

Augment the clever and SILLY; reduce the rude and mundane. SOUND OUT what you mean (‘curl’ invites contracted coziness, ‘Mucky Puppy’ is sticky-icky). SING aloud, but not loud. Edicts are most efficacious delivered in varying spirited and melodious tones🎡. Like GOD’s animal kingdom, our vocal artistry is limitlessly puissant. 

*Borrowed terms : Words as wands, Ciara Burton. Mucky Puppies, Ms. Gussie Gertge Boulder Valley Waldorf School.

Beyond Asana

Tadasana. Next on the list to test - Yoga Rug.

It can be a matter of life and death to stay light on one’s feet. It also feels fantastic to float. But how is levity realized? YOGA. Practicing Yoga encompasses the stretching, weightlifting, meditating, chanting, but also all manner of healthy habits and beyond.