May 10, 2011

Eka Pada Rajakapotasana

Eka Pada Rajakapotasana ~ One-legged King Pigeon Pose ~ Half Pigeon

I drew this on the plane ride to Maui on Easter Sunday. The stewardesses wore bunny ears.

Eka: One
Pada: Leg or Foot
Raja: King
Kapota: Pigeon or Dove

Yes, some sanskrit names are long, but they are worth learning and here is why. Sanskrit's is made of primordial sounds that manifest their true meaning. It is said that the vibrations created by the carefully chosen sounds (the word sanskrit means "refined,") resonate that which they speak of. In this rich, rhythmic and musical language –– "the spiritual language of the world' –– each written character is always pronounced the same way making it simple to learn and pronounce. 
"Sanskrit is constructed like geometry and follows a rigorous logic. It is theoretically possible to explain the meaning of the words according to the combined sense of the relative letters, syllables and roots. Sanskrit has no meanings by connotations and consequently does not age." ––Alain Danielou

I have always been especially drawn to Eka Pada Rajakapotasana. While researching it's benefits I discovered that it has therapeutic applications for urinary disorders, which I happen to put up with. Sometimes you need and love a pose without knowing why –– something beyond your reasoning tells you to practice the asana and practically puts your body in the position without the involvement of your mind. When you listen to and act upon this deeper intuition you are truly doing yoga.  

When we are sleeping, we often take positions that attempt to correct issues from our day-to-day habits. Sleeping on your back with your hands behind your head, elbows bent at the sides as though you are relaxing at the beach, for example, loosens tense Trapezius muscles. 

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