May 25, 2011


Ntarajasana ~ Dancer

Nata: Actor, Dancer, Mime
Raja: King

This pose feels beautiful and powerful. 

Patience doesn't exist. We are either in the speed of what s happening or we are impatient. Being patient is an attempt to cover our own impatience. –– Judith Lasater

This patience doesn't exist idea is revolutionary for me and has been haunting me, in a good way, ever since I read it last weekend. I hope it reverberates inside you the way it has in me and you find yourself mulling it over when confronted with daily 'situations.' This memorial day weekend, try moving at life's pace. My plans? Beach! BBQ! And more beach. 

Have you tried these? Nail strips. Pretty dope. Mine lasted one week ~ with lots of dishwashing and hot-tubbing. Buy them at CVS, Target, or anywhere where Sally Hansen products are sold. I heard other brands do not stack up, so stick with Sally.  

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